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Laya Yoga Goswami Pdf Download

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What has become known as "Kundalini yoga" in the 20th century, after a technical term particular to this tradition, is actually a synthesis of many traditions which may include haṭha yoga techniques (such as bandha, pranayama, and asana), Patañjali's kriya yoga (consisting of self-discipline, self-study, and devotion to God), tantric visualization and meditation techniques of laya yoga (known as samsketas),[5] and other techniques oriented towards the 'awakening of kundalini'.[6] Laya may refer both to techniques of yoga, and (like Raja Yoga) its effect of "absorption" of the individual into the cosmic.[7] Laya Yoga, from the Sanskrit term laya meaning "dissolution", "extinction", or "absorption", is almost always described in the context of other Yogas such as in the Yoga-Tattva-Upanishad, the Varaha Upanishad, the Goraksha Paddhati, the Amaraugha-Prabodha, and the Yoga-Shastra of Dattatreya.[8][9] The exact distinctions between traditional yoga schools is often hazy due to a long history of syncretism, hence many of our oldest sources on Kundalini come through manuals of the tantric and haṭha traditions such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Shiva Samhita. The Shiva Samhita describes the qualified yogi as practicing 'the four yogas' to achieve kundalini awakening while lesser students may resort solely to one technique or another: "Mantra Yoga and Hatha Yoga. Laya Yoga is the third. The fourth is Raja Yoga. It is free from duality."[10]

Although kundalini developed as a part of tantra side-by-side with hatha yoga through a process of syncretism, Swami Nigamananda (d. 1935) taught a form of laya yoga which he insisted was not part of Hatha yoga.

Laya Yoga Goswami Pdf Download

The following is a bibliography of works related to Kundalini. Thisis a first draft version and focuses primarily on works in English fromthe Indian and Tibetan traditions, although there are a few works in Sanskrit,Hindi and Tibetan as well. The status of the different areas is noted atthe titles. Status currently ranges from very incomplete to nearly comprehensive.The ultimate goal of the bibliography is to be focused and comprehensiveand it is the former property that gives any hope of allowing for the latter.As a result this bibliography focused on works of teachers and traditionswhich are primarily associated with kundalini. While many spiritual traditionsacknowledge that kundalini is essential to spiritual development, onlythose that awaken it consciously are included here. Also while kundaliniis central to tantra, a bibliography of tantra has not been attempted here.Given those caveats this work does attempt to survey both traditional sourcesand contemporary teachers of the broad family of kundalini yogas. The orderwithin topics is intended to be chronological. No hidden messages are intendedin either the grouping, ordering or inadvertent deletion of a teacher orlineage.The author grants the right to copy and distribute this file, provided 1) the text remains unmodified, including the html title, 2) the authorshipand copyright is retained and 3) you agree to update/delete this web pageon request from the author. Adding tasteful artwork is encouraged. Theauthor retains both the right and intention to modify and extend this document.Finally, if you should find this bibliography substantially helpful inyour own publishing, on or off the web, an acknowledgement in your writingswould be very much appreciated. Table of ContentsClassical Shaiva and Shakta LiteratureBuddhist Tantras and their Indian CommentariesContemporary Literature of Siddha Yoga,Siddha Mahayoga and Kundalini MahayogaContemporary Literature of Hatha, Laya andKriya YogaBuddhist Tantric Literature by way of TibetTaoist LiteratureContemporary Experiental Literatureof these TraditionsContemporary Western Works and Scientific ReferencesClassical Shaiva and Shakta Literature ofKundalini YogaLiterature of the TantrasClassical Literature of the Shaivism of KashmirClassical Literature of the Sri Vidya TraditionClassical Literature of Hatha, Layaand Kriya YogaContemporary analyses of this classical literatureLiterature of the Tantras (incomplete)Tantraraja Tantra:Avalon, Arthur, and Lakshmana Shastri. 1981. Tantraraja Tantra.Translated by Avalon. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,740 pages. (In Sanskrit).Kularnava Tantra: Verse 39 of Chapter 40 deals with shaktipat.Verses 64-66 of that chapter deal with Vedakiksha.Rai, Ram Kumar. 1983. Kularnava Tantra.Translated by Rai. Varanasi: Prachya Prakashan,377 pages.Woodroffe, Sir John, and M. P. Pandit. 1984.Kularnava Tantra. Translated by Woodroffe, Pandit. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,357 pages. (In Sanskrit).Vijnanabhairava TantraSingh, Jaideva. 1979. Vijnanabhairava.Translated by Jaideva Singh. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,173 pages. Return to Classical Shaiva and ShaktaLiterature Shiva PuranaSiva Purana Volume 1. 4 vols. Vol.1. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,473 pages.Siva Purana Volume 2. 4 vols. Vol.2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,474-1066 pages.Siva Purana Volume 3. 4 vols. Vol.2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,1067-1571 pages.Siva Purana Volume 4. 4 vols. Vol.4. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,1572-2120 pages. Return to Classical Shaiva and Shakta Literature Literature of the Shaivism of Kashmir(incomplete) VasguptaVasgupta. 1979. Siva Sutras. Translatedby Jaideva Singh. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,278 pages.Vasgupta. 1980. The Spanda Karikas.Translated by Jaideva Singh. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,210 pages.Vasgupta. 1992. The Aphorisms of Siva.Translated by Mark S. G. Dyczkowski. Albany, NY: State University of NewYork,247 pages.Vasgupta. 1992. The Stanzas on Vibration.Translated by Mark S. G. Dyczkowski. Edited by H. P. Alper, The SUNYSeries in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir. Albany, NY: SUNY,427 pages.KshemarajaKsemaraja. 1982. Pratyabhijnahridayam.Translated by Jaideva Singh. Fourth ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,187pages. Kshemaraja. 1994. The Shiva Sutra Vimarsiniof Kshemaraja. Translated by P. T. Shrinivas Iyengar. Delhi: Sri SatguruPublications,87 pages.AbhinavaguptaAbhinavagupta was probably the clearest exponent of the process of shaktipat.He described it in detail in the 13th Ahnika of Tantraloka. The relatedprocess of vedhadiksha is discussed in the 29th Ahnika. Unfortunately theTantraloka remains untranslated in English although it is translatedinto Italian by R. Gnoli and his writings on shaktipat are analysed bySenSharma.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume1. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 1. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,345 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume2. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 2. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,346-696 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume3. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 3. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,697-1340 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume4. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 4. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,1341-1884 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume5. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 5. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,1885-2439 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume6. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 6. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,2440-3106 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume7. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 7. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,3106-3644 pages.Abhinavagupta. 1987. The Tantraloka Volume8. Edited by R. D. Dwivedi and N. Rastogi. 8 vols. Vol. 8. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,3645-3909 pages.Rastogi, Najivan. 1987. Introduction tothe Tantraloka. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,589 pages. Return to Classical Shaiva and Shakta LiteratureLiterature of the Sri Vidya Tradition (incomplete)Kundalini is mentioned intermittently in verses 90 to 111 of Lalitasahasranamaand is discussed in detail in Bhaskaraya's commentary.Bhaskaraya. 1972. Mantrasastra LalitaSahasranaman with Bhaskaraya's Commentary. Translated by R. AnanthakrishnaSastry. Adyar, Madras: The Adyar Library and Research Center,461 pages.Prasad, R. 1994. Lalita Sahasranama.Translated by R. Prasad. Delhi: Nag Publishers,265 pages.Vasavada, A. U. 1965. Tripura Rahasya.Translated by A. U. Vasavada, Chowkambha Sanskrit Studies. Varanasi:Chowkhama Sanskrit Series Office,208 pages. Return to Classical Shaiva and Shakta Literature Classical literature of hatha,laya and kriya yoga (hopefully fairly comprehensive)Goswami's book deserves special notice. This one of the finest referenceworks ever written on the family of kundalini yogas.Goswami, Shyam Sundar. 1980. Layayoga.London: Routeledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.,342 pages.Gorakshanath and Matsyendranath(10th Century)Gorakhnath. 1982. Goraksha Sataka. In Gorkhnathand the Kanphata Yogis, edited by G. W. Briggs. New Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass.Banerjea, Akshaya Kumar. 1988. Philosophyof Gorakhnath with Goraksha Vacana Sangraha. First ed. New Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass,355 pages.Matsyendranath. 1986. Kaulajnana nirnaya.In Kaulajnana Nirnaya, edited by P. C. Bagchi. Varanasi: PrachyaPrakashan,134 134. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (14th Century)Svatarama. 1972. The Hathayogapradipika ofSvatmarama. Translated by Radha Burnier andTookaram Tatya. Adyar, Madras: The Adyar Library and Research Center,106pages.Svatmarama. 1970. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.Translated by Swami Digambarji and RaghunathashastriKokaje. First ed. Lonavla, Maharashtra: Kaivalyadhama,230 pages.Svatmarama. 1984. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.Translated by Pancham Sinh. First ed. Delhi: Shri Satguru Publications,63pages.Svatmarama. 1985. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.Translated by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati. First ed. Munger, Bihar:Bihar School of Yoga,106 pages. Jnaneshvar (13th Century)Abhayananda, S. 1989. Jnaneshvar. Naples,Florida: Atma Books,260 pages.Jnanadeva. 1984. Amritanubhava. In ThePhilosophy of Jnanadeva, edited by B. P. Bahirat. New Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass,157 157.Jnaneshvar. 1989. Amritanubhava. In Jnaneshvar,edited by S. Abhayananda. Naples, FL: Atma Books,260 260.Jnaneshwar. 1967. Jnaneshvari - Vol 1.Translated by V. G. Pradhan. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 1. London: George Allenand Unwin,353 pages.Jnaneshwar. 1967. Jnaneshvari - Vol 2.Translated by V. G. Pradhan. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 2. London: George Allenand Unwin,335 pages.Jnaneshwar. 1979. Jnaneshwari. Translatedby Ramachandra Keshav Bhagwat. First ed. Maras: Samata Books,689 pages.Jnanesvara. 1987. Garland of Divine Flowers.Translated by P. V. Bobde. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,60 pages.Ranade, R. D. 1994. The Guru's Guru.Albany, NY: SUNY Press,205 pages. Lalla (14th Century)Muktananda, Swami. 1981. Lalleshwari.Translated by Shri Malta Devi. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation,90pages.Parimo, B. N. 1978. The Ascent of Self.Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,217 pages. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (14th Century)Svatarama. 1972. The Hathayogapradipika ofSvatmarama. Translated by Radha Burnier andTookaram Tatya. Adyar, Madras: The Adyar Library and Research Center,106pages.Svatmarama. 1970. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.Translated by Swami Digambarji and RaghunathashastriKokaje. First ed. Lonavla, Maharashtra: Kaivalyadhama,230 pages.Svatmarama. 1984. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.Translated by Pancham Sinh. First ed. Delhi: Shri Satguru Publications,63pages.Svatmarama. 1985. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.Translated by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati. First ed. Munger, Bihar:Bihar School of Yoga,106 pages.The Yoga Upanishads (14th and 15th Centuries)There are 20 yoga upanishads in the collection of Yoga Upanishads editedby Sastri:Sastri, A. Mahadeva, ed. 1968. The Yoga Upanishads.Adyar: Adyar LIbrary and Research Center,984 pages. (In Sanskrit). The following are available English translations of various upanishads,including some yoga upanishads:Aiyar, K. N., translator, 1914. Thirty minor Upanishads, including the Yoga Upanishads. Madras, 280 pages.Deussen, Paul. 1980. Sixty Upanishadsof the Veda - Part I. Translated by V. M. B edekar , G. B. Palsule.First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,543 pages.Deussen, Paul. 1980. Sixty Upanishadsof the Veda - Part 2. Translated by V. M. B edekar , G. B. Palsule.First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,544-1095 pages.Kriyananda, Goswami. 1993. The Kriya YogaUpanishad and the Mystical Upanishads. Fourth ed. Chicago: The Templeof Kriya Yoga,99 pages.Varenne, Jean. 1989. Yoga and the HinduTradition. Translated from French by Derek Coltman. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas,253 pages. (Contains translation of the Darshana Upanishad) The following list indicates which yoga upanishads are translated in whichreferences.K.N. Aiyar refers to Aiyar 1914 Deussen refers to Deussen 1980 Kriyananda refers to Kriyananda 1993 Sivananda refers to Sivananda 1994Varenne refers to Varenne 1989Advayataraka UpanishadAmritabindu Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar, Deussen, Kriyananda)Amritanada Upanishad (Deussen)Brahmabindu Upanishad (Deussen)Brahmavidya Upanishad (Deussen, Kriyananda)Chulika Upanishad (Deussen, Kriyananda)Darshana Upanishad (Varenne)Dhyanabindu Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar, Deussen, Kriyananda)Hamsa Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar)Ksurika Upanishad (Deussen, Kriyananda)Mahavakya UpanishadMandalabrahma Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar)Nadabindu Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar, Deussen, Kriyananda)Pashupatabrahma UpanishadShandilya Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar)Tejobindu Upanishad (Deussen, Kriyananda)Trishikhibrahma UpanishadVaraha Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar)Yogachudamani UpanishadYogakundali Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar, Sivananda)Yogashikha Upanishad (Kriyananda)Yogatattva Upanishad (K. N. Aiyar, Deussen, Kriyananda) Shiva Samhita (17th century)Ghosh, Shyam. 1980. Siva Samhita. In TheOriginal Yoga. New Delhi: Munishiram Manoharlal,308 308.Vasu, Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra. 1979. TheSiva Samhita. Translated by Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu. First ed.Delhi: Shri Satguru Publications,83 pages. Gheranda Samhita (17th century)Ghosh, Shyam. 1980. Gheranda Samhita. In TheOriginal Yoga. New Delhi: Munishiram Manolaharl, 308 pages.Vasu, Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra. 1975. TheGheranda Samhita. Translated by Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu. Seconded. New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation,59 pages. Return to Classical Shaiva and Shakta LiteratureContemporary Analyses of theShaiva and Shakta Tantras, the Shaivism of Kashmir, the Sri Vidya Traditionsand the Shaiva Natha Yogins (incomplete)Banerjea, Akshaya Kumar. 1988. Philosophyof Gorakhnath with Goraksha Vacana Sangraha. First ed. New Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass,355 pages.Brooks, Douglas Renfrew. 1990. The Secretof the Three Cities. Albany, NY: SUNY Press,307 pages.Brooks, Douglas Renfrew. 1992. AuspiciousWisdom. Edited by P. E. M. -Ortega, SUNY Series in Tantric Studies.Albany, NY: SUNY Press,301 pages.Dikshitar, V. R. Ramachandra. 1991. TheLalita Cult. Translated by Jaideva Singh. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,100pages.Feuerstein, George. 1990. EncyclopediacDictionary of Yoga. New York: Paragon House,430 pages.Kaul, H. Kumar. 1994. Aspects of Yoga.Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation,239 pages.Muller-Ortega, Paul E. 1989. The TriadicHeart of Siva. Edited by H. P. Alper, Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir.Albany, NY: SUNY Press,330 pages.Rao, S. K. Ramacandra. 1989. Sri Cakra.Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications,96 pages. Rastogi, Najivan. 1979. The Krama Tantricismof Kashmir. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,296 pages.SenSharma, Deba Brata. 1990. The Philosophyof Sadhana. Edited by P. Muller-Ortega. First ed, SUNY Series inTantric Studies. Albany,NY: SUNY,196 pages. Return to Classical Shaiva and Shakta Literature Return to Table of Contents BuddhistTantras and their Indian CommentariesLiterature of the Buddhist TantrasLiterature of the Indian Commentators Literature of the Buddhist TantrasFarrow, G. W., and I. Menon. 1992. The ConcealedEssence of the Hevajra Tantra. Translated by G. W. Farrow. First ed.Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,308 pages.Literature of the Indian CommentatorsFarrow, G. W., and I. Menon. 1992. The ConcealedEssence of the Hevajra Tantra. Translated by G. W. Farrow. First ed.Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas,308 pages. Contains Krishnacarya'scommentary known as Yogaratnamala.Taranatha. 1989. Life of Krishnacarya.Translated by David Templeman. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works andArchives,176 pages. Taranatha. 1983. The Seven InstructionLineages. Translated by David Templeman. Dharamsala: Library of TibetanWorks and Archives,128 pages. Return to Table of Contents Contemporary literature of Siddha Yoga,Siddha Mahayoga and Kundalini Mahayoga (hopefully fairly comprehensive)Literature of the tradition of Swami Gangadhar TirthaLiterature of the tradition of BhagavanNityanandaLiterature of the tradition of Swami KripalvanandaLiterature of the tradition of Sri Dhyanyogi MadhusudhanandajiLiterature of Sri Mata Nirmala Devi's Sahaja YogaLiterature of the tradition of Lakshman Jee Literature of the tradition of Swami GangadharTirthaSwami Vishnu TirthSwami Shivom Tirth and his disciplesSwami Shankar Puroshottam Tirth and hisdisciplesYogananda, Sri. (none). Mahayoga Vijnana.Translated by (in Hindi). Munikireti Rishikesh: Yogashri Pith Trust.Swami Vishnu TirthTirth, Swami Vishnu. 1984. Shaktipat pathapradarshika bhaga -2: KundaliniSiddha Mahayoga,319 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. 1980. Devatma Shakti.Fifth ed. Rishikesh: Yoga Shri Peeth Trust,160 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. 1984. Shri SadhanSamket. Translated by (in Hindi). Munikireti Rishikesh: Yogashri PithTrust,32 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. 1986. Shaktipatbhaga 2: Shiva Sutra Prabodhini. Translated by (in Hindi). MunikiretiRishikesh: Yoga Shri Peeth Trust,96 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. 1987. Shaktipat:Kundalini Mahayoga. Fifth ed. Munikireti Rishikesh: Yoga Shri PeethTrust,82 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. 1992. Insights intoSiddha Mahayoga. Translated by Kusum Seth: privately circulated,54pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. na. Atma Prabodha.Translated by (in Hindi). Fifth ed. Munikireti Rishikesh: Yoga Shri PeethTrust,218 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. na. Gita TattvaAmrita. Translated by (in Hindi). Munikireti Rishikesh: Yoga Shri PeethTrust,328 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. na. Patanjal YogaDarshana. Translated by (in Hindi). Munikireti Rishikesh: YogashriPith Trust,32 pages.Tirtha, Swami Vishnu. na. Vaidika YogaParichaya. Translated by (in Hindi). Munikireti Rishikesh: Yoga ShriPeeth Trust,176 pages. Swami Shivom Tirth and his disciplesTirth, Swami Shivom. Guidelines to ShaktipatInitiation. Bombay: Swami Shivom Tirth Ashram,20 pages.Tirth, Swami Shivom. 1985. A Guide toShaktipat. First ed. Paige, Texas: Devatma Shakti Society,95 pages.Tirth, Swami Shivom. 1985. Sri JapujiSahib. First ed. Navali: Devatma Shakti Society,135 pages.Tirth, Swami Shivom. 1986. Shaktipat pathapradarshika bhaga -3Aduladini Siddhamahayoga. Translatedby (in Hindi). First ed. Navali: Devatma Shakti Society,256 pages.Tirth, Swami Shivom. 1992. Jnana Kiran.First ed. Nawali: Devatma Shakti Society,50 pages.Tirth, Swami Shivom. 1993. Shaktipat pathapradarshika bhaga -1. First ed. Devas, Madya Pradesh: Devatma ShaktiSociety,94 pages. Swami Shankar Puroshottam Tirthand his disciplesTirtha, Swami Shankar Purushottam. 1980. YogaVibhuti. First ed. Munikireti Rishikesh: Yogashri Pith,125 pages.Tirtha, Swami Shankar Purushottam. 1992.Yoga Vani. Bayville, NY: Ayurveda Holistic Center Press,195 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayogaLiterature of the tradition of BhagavanNityanandaBhagavan NityanandaHatengdi, M. U. 1984. Nityananda. Cambridge,Massachusetts: Rudra Press,177 pages.Nityananda. 1981. Chidakash Geeta.Translated by Dennis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Rudra Press,136 pages.Nityananda. 1985. Nitya Sutras (ChidakashGita). Translated by M. U. Hatengdi and SwamiChetanananda. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Rudra Press,209 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayoga Swami MuktanandaAmma. 1971. Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa.Second ed. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,90 pages.Shankar. 1976. Muktananda - Siddha Guru.First ed. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,65 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1971. Guru. Firsted. NY, NY: Harper and Row,175 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1972. Bhagavan Nityananda.First ed. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,80 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1972. Light on thePath. First ed. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,108 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1972. Mukteshwari PartI. Translated by YoganandaGeorge Dowden. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. I.Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,160 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1972. Mukteshwari PartII. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. II. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,188pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1972. So'ham Japa.First ed. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,26 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1972. Swami MuktanandaParamahamsa in Australia (1970). First ed. Ganeshpuri, India: ShriGurudev Ashram,152 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1974. American Tour1970. First ed. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,103pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1974. Getting Rid ofWhat You Haven't Got. First ed. Albany, CA: Wordpress,45 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1974. Satsang withBaba Volume 1. First ed. 5 vols. Vol. 1. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dhamof America Foundation,348 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1975. I Love You.Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Peeth,na pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1975. Siddha Meditation.First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,117pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1977. Satsang withBaba Volume 3. First ed. 5 vols. Vol. 3. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dhamof America Foundation,379 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1978. God is With You.Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Peeth,na pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1978. I am That.First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,63pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1978. I Welcome YouAll With Love. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Peeth,na pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1978. In the Companyof a Siddha. First ed. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,191pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1978. Satsang withBaba Volume 4. 5 vols. Vol. 3. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dham of AmericaFoundation,319 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1978. Satsang withBaba Volume 5. First ed. 5 vols. Vol. 5. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dhamof America Foundation,407 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1979. Kundalini - theSecret of Life. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham ofAmerica Foundation,56 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1979. To Know the Knower.South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America,(unnumbered) pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1980. Kundalini Stavah.First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,45pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1980. Reflections ofthe Self. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of AmericaFoundation,205 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1980. The Secret ofthe Siddhas. Translated by Malti Devi (Swami Chidvilasananda). Firsted. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,232 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1980. UnderstandingSiddha Yoga - Volume 2. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 2. Ganeshpuri, India:Shri Gurudev Ashram,124 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1981. Lalleshwari.Translated by Shri Malta Devi. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation,90pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1981. Mystery of theMind. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,43pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1981. Paramartha KathaPrasang - Spiritual Conversations with Swami Muktananda (1962-1966).First ed. Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Ashram,356 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1981. The Self is AlreadyAttained. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of AmericaFoundation,(unnumbered) pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1983. Ashram Dharma.Ganeshpuri, India: Shri Gurudev Peeth,45 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1983. The Perfect Relationship.First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,211pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1985. I Have BecomeAlive. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,227pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1989. From the Finiteto the Infinite. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. II. South Fallsburg, NY: SiddhaYoga Dham of America Foundation,266 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1989. From the Finiteto the Infinite. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. I. South Fallsburg, NY: SiddhaYoga Dham of America Foundation,234 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1989. Where are YouGoing? Second ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham of AmericaFoundation,215 pages.Muktananda, Swami. 1991. Meditate.First ed. Albany,NY: SUNY Press,43 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayoga Swami Chidvilasananda and Swamis ofSiddha Yoga Dham of AmericaChidvilasananda, Swami. 1989. Kindle My HeartVolume 1. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 1. NY, NY: Prentice Hall Press,205pages.Chidvilasananda, Swami. 1990. Ashes atMy Guru's Feet. First ed. South Fallsburg, NY: Siddha Yoga Dham ofAmerica Foundation,72 pages.Chidvilasananda, Swami. 1990. Kindle MyHeart Volume 2. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 2. NY, NY: Prentice Hall Press,205pages.Kripananda, Swami. 1995. The Sacred Power.First ed. Oakland, CA: Siddha Yoga Dham of America Foundation,155 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayoga Swami RudranandaRudrananda, Swami. 1973. Spiritual Cannibalism.First ed. New York, New York: Links Books,149 pages.Rudrananda, Swami. 1978. Spiritual Cannibalism.Second ed. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press,194 pages.Rudrananda, Swami. 1994. Entering Infinity.First ed. Portland, Oregon: Rudra Press,209 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayogaSwami ChetananandaChetanananda, Swami. 1988. The Breath ofGod. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Rudra Press,310 pages.Chetanananda, Swami. 1990. Dynamic Stillness.2 vols. Vol. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Rudra Press,263 pages.Chetanananda, Swami. 1991. Dynamic Stillness.2 vols. Vol. 2. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Rudra Press,358 pages.Chetanananda, Swami. 1992. The Logic ofLove. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Rudra Press,208 pages.Chetanananda, Swami. 1995. The Open Moment.Portland, OR: Rudra Press,90 pages.Chetanananda, Swami. 1996. Choose to BeHappy. Portland, OR: Rudra Press,299 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayogaFranklin Jones aka Bubba Free JohnJones, Franklin. 1974. The Spiritual Instructionsof Swami Muktananda. First ed. Lower Lake, CA: Dawn Horse Press,15pages.John, Bubba Free. 1978. The Enlightenmentof the Whole Body: The Dawn Horse Press,600 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayoga John Mann and Lar ShortMann, John, ed. 1984. Behind the Cosmic Curtain- the Further Writings of Swami Rudrananda. First ed. Arlington, MA:Neolog Publishing,160 pages.Mann, John. 1984. Rudi: 14 Years withMy Teacher. First ed. Cambridge, MA: Rudra Press,341 pages.Mann, John, and Lar Short. 1990. The Bodyof Light. New York, New York: Globe Press Books,189 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayogaLiterature of the tradition of SwamiKripalvananda Kripalvanand, Swami. 1977. The Scienceof Meditation. First ed. Bombay: Sri Dahyabhai Hirabhai Patel,208 pages. Warren, Sukanya, Franics Mellen, and PeterMellen. 1982. Gurudev: The Life of Yogi Amrit Desai. Summit Station,PA: Kripalu Yoga Fellowship,66 pages. Desai, Yogi Amrit. 1976. God is Energy:Five Articles on Kundalini Yoga. Summit Station, PA: Kripalu Yoga Ashram,66pages.Desai, Yogi Amrit. 1976. Kripalu Yoga:Book II. Lenox, MA: Kripalu Publications,70 pages.Desai, Yogi Amrit. 1990. Kripalu Yoga:Book I. Third ed. Lenox, MA: Kripalu Publications,115 pages.Muni, Swami Rajarshi. 1994. Awakeningthe Life Force. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn,200 pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayogaLiterature of the tradition of Sri DhyanyogiMadhusudhanandajiJohnsen, Linda. 1994. Anandi Ma: Mastering theKundalini. In Daugthers of the Godess. St. Paul, Minnesota: YesInternational Publishers,128 pages.Madhusudandasji, Shri Dhyanyogi. 1978. Lighton Meditation. First ed. Vol. 1: no publication information,108 pages.Madhusudandasji, Shri Dhyanyogi. 1979. Brahmanada:Sound, Mantra and Power. First ed. Santa Cruz: Dhyanyoga Centers Inc.,108pages.Madhusudandasji, Shri Dhyanyogi. 1979. Shakti- Hidden Treasure of Power. First ed. Vol. 1. Pasadena, CA: DhyanyogaCenters Inc.,108 pages.Madhusudandasji, Shri Dhyanyogi. 1979. YogaDipika. First ed: Dhyanyoga Centers,14 pages. Literature of Sri Mata Nirmala DeviMahajan, Yogi. 1993. The Ascent. Delhi:Motilal Banarsidas,120 pages. Literature of the tradition of Lakshman Jee Jee, Swami Lakshman. 1988. KashmirShaivism the Supreme Secret. Albany, NY: State University of New York,137pages. Return to Contemporary literature of SiddhaMahayogaReturn to Table of ContentsContemporary literature of Hatha, Layaand Kriya Yoga (hopefully fairly comprehensive)Literature of the tradition of Yogi BhajanLiterature of the tradition of Swami Sivanandaand his disciple Swami Satyananda SaraswatiLiterature of Swami Kuvalayananda and theKaivalya Dharma CenterLiterature of the tradition of Swami Rama Literature of those who trace their lineage fromthe figure of BabajiRamakrishna and his disciples (notably SwamiNarayananda)Literature of Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi(Simplified Kundalini Yoga)Literature of the tradition of Yogi BhajanYogi Bhajan (Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib HarbhajanSingh Khalsa. 1977. The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. New York, NewYork: Hawthorn Books Inc.,193 pages.Khalsa, Gururattan Kaur, and Ann Marie Maxwell.1988. Transitions to a Heart-Centred World: privately circulated,137pages.Khalsa, M. S. S. Gurucharan Singh, ed. 1976.Kundalini Yoga/Sadhana Guidelines. Claremont, CA: Kundalini ResearchInstitute,107 pages.Khalsa, M. S. S. Gurucharan Singh, ed. 1978.Sadhana Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga. Pomona, CA: Kundalini ResearchInstitute,107 pages.Khalsa, M. S. S. Gurucharan Singh, ed. 1984.Kundalini Meditation Manual for Intermediate Students. Los Angeles,CA: Kundalini Research Institute Publications,70 pages.Khalsa, M. S. S. Gurucharan Singh. 1990.Exploring the Myths and Misconceptions of Kundalini. In Kundalini: Evolutionand Enlightenment, edited by J. White. New York, New York: ParagonHouse,482 pages.Khalsa, S. S. Rama Kirn Singh, ed. 1980.Kundalini Yoga Manual. Claremont, CA: Kundalini Research InstitutePublications,43 pages.Singh, Ravi. 1988. Kundalini Yoga forBody, Mind and Beyond. New York, New York: White Lion Press,213 pages.Singh, Ravi. 1991. Kundalini Yoga forStrength, Success and Spirit. New York, New York: White Lion Press,161pages.Literature of the tradition of Swami Sivanandaand his disciples - noticeably Swami Satyananda SaraswatiSwami SivanandaSivananda, Swami. 1980. Kundalini Yoga.Seventh ed. Shivanandanagar: Divine Life Society,272 pages.Sivananda, Swami. 1994. Tantra Yoga, NadaYoga and Kriya Yoga. Fourth ed. Shivanandanagar: Divine Life Society,162pages. Swami Sivananda RadhaRadha, Swami Sivananda. 1981. Kundalini Yogafor the West. Boulder, CO: Shambala Publications, Inc.,357 pages.Swami Satyananda Saraswati and his disciplesMumford, Jonn. 1994. A Chakra and KundaliniWorkbook. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications,256 pages.Mumford, John. 1995. Ecstacy through Tantra.St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications,162 pages.Niranjanananda, Paramahamsa. 1994. Nirvanopanishad(Yoga Siddhanta Bhashya). First ed. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School ofYoga,84 pages.Saraswati, Swami Janakananda. 1976. Yoga,Tantra and Meditation. New York: Random House,112 pages.Saraswati, Swami Muktibodhananda. 1983. SwaraYoga. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School of Yoga,233 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1981. A SystematicCourse in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya. Munger,Bihar: Bihar School of Yoga,834 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1982. Tamingthe Kundalini. Fourth ed. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School of Yoga,189 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1983. Meditationsfrom the Tantras. Fifth ed. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School of Yoga,299pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1983. YogaNidra. Fifth ed. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School of Yoga,284 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1984. KundaliniTantra. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School of Yoga,486 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1984. Stepsto Yoga and Yoga Initiation Papers. Second ed. Munger, Bihar: BiharSchool of Yoga,199 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. 1989. AsanaPranayama Mudra Bandha. Seventh ed. Munger, Bihar: Bihar School ofYoga,486 pages.Saraswati, Swami Satyananda, and ParivjajikaMa Yogashakti. 1966. Dynamics of Yoga. Second ed. Munger, Bihar:Bihar School of Yoga,164 pages. Literature of Swami Kuvalayananda andthe Kaivalya Dharma CenterKuvalayananda, Swami. 1966. Pranayama.Sixth ed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Science Press,160 pages.Kuvalayananda, Swami. 1972. Popular YogaAsanas. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle,210 pages.Kuvalayananda, Swami, and Dr. S. A. Shukla.Goraksasatakam. Translated by Kuvalayananda. Lonavla, Maharashtra:Kaivlayadhama,78 pages. Literature of the tradition of T. M. V. KrishnamacaryaB. K. S. IyengarIyengar, B. K. S. 1970. Light on Yoga.New York, New York: Schocken Books,342 pages.Iyengar, B. K. S. 1981. Light on Pranayama.New York, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company,294 pages.Literature of the tradition of Swami RamaRama, Swami. 1980. Living with the HimalayanMasters. First ed. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan Institute International,490pages.Rama, Swami. 1988. Path of Fire and Light-1. Third ed. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan Institute International,180pages.Rama, Swami. 1988. Path of Fire and Light- 2. First ed. 2 vols. Vol. 2. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan Institute International,226pages.Rama, Swami, Rudolph Ballentine, and AlanHymes. 1979. Science of Breath. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan InstituteInternational,166 pages.Tigunait, Rajmani. 1993. Sakti Sadhana.Translated by Rajmani Tigunait. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan Institute International,196pages.Tigunait, Rajmani. 1996. The Power ofMantra & The Mystery of Initiation. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan InstituteInternational,248 pages. Literature of those who trace their lineage from thefigure of Babaji Davis, Roy Eugene. 1984. The Scienceof Kriya Yoga, The Teachings of the Masters of Perfection. Lakemont,Georgia: CSA Press,187 pages.Giri, Swami Satyeswarananda. 1991. Kriya:Finding the True Path. San Diego, CA: The Sanskrit Classics,334 pages.Hariharananda, Paramahansa. 1992. TheOriginal and Authentic Kriya Yoga of Babaji Maharaj and Lahiri Mahasay.1992 Edition ed. Canoga Park, CA: Kriya Yoga Publishing House,234 pages.Kriyananda, Goswami. 1992. The SpiritualScience of Kriya Yoga. Fourth ed. Chicago: The Temple of Kriya Yoga,365`pages.Kriyananda, Goswami. 1993. The Kriya YogaUpanishad and the Mystical Upanishads. Fourth ed. Chicago: The Templeof Kriya Yoga,99 pages.Ramakrishna and his disciples (notably SwamiNarayananda)Saradananda, Swami. na. Sri Ramakrishna -the Great Master. Mylapore, Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math,948 pages.Vivekananda, Swami. 1984. The Yogas andOther Works. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center,974 pages.Narayanananda, Swami. 1979. The PrimalPower in Man or the Kundalini Shakti. Nineth ed. Gylling, Denmark:N. U. Yoga Trust and Ashrama,230 pages.Narayanananda, Swami. 1979. The Secretsof Prana, Pranayma and Yoga-Asanas. Nineth ed. Gylling, Denmark: N.U. Yoga Trust and Ashrama,230 pages. Yogiraj Vethathiri MaharishiMaharishi, Yogiraj Vethathiri. 1992. Journeyof Consciousness. Delhi: Macmillan Limited India,158 pages. Return to Table of ContentsTantric Buddhist literature from the Schools of Tibet(somewhat complete of English works)Literature of the Nyingma SchoolLiterature of the Sakya SchoolLiterature of the Kargyudpa SchoolLiterature of the Gelugpa SchoolLiterature of the New Kadampa SchoolLiterature of the Nyingma SchoolNorbu, Namkhai. Yantra Yoga: The Yoga ofMovement: Dzogchen Comunity (sic),263 pages. (In Tibetan)Norbu, Namkhai. 1988. Yantra Yoga: TheYoga of Movement. Gleisdorf: Tsaparang,126 pages. Literature of the Sakya SchoolLiterature of the Kargyudpa SchoolNamgyal, Tashi, and (bkra' shis rnam rgyal).1963. The Epitome of an Introduction to the Profound Path of the Six Yogasof Naropa. In Teachings of Tibetan Yoga, edited by G. C. C. Chang.New York: University Books,77 77.Drugpa Kargyudpa ('brug pa bka' rgyud pa)Chi, Chang Chen. 1982. Esoteric Teachingsof the Tibetan Tantra. Translated by Chang Chen Chi. York Beach, Maine:Weiser,305 pages.Karpo, Padma. 1972. Notes on the Six Yogasof Naropa. In Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, edited by W. Y.Evans-Wentz. London: Oxford University Press,389 pages.Shangpa Kargyudpa (shang pa bka' rgyud pa)Dalai Lama II. 1985. The Tantric Yogas of SisterNiguma (Ni-gu chos-drug-rgyas-pa-khrid-yig). In Selected Works of theDalai Lama II, edited by G. Mullin. Ithaca, New York: Snow Lion.Literature of the Gelugpa SchoolBiography of a Contemporary Yogi. Cho Yang,102-111.Dhargyey, Geshe Ngawang. 1985. KalacakraTantra. Translated by Alan Wallace. Dharamsala, India: Library of TibetanWorks and Archives,180 pages.Dragpa, Panchen Sonam. 1996. Overviewof Buddhist Tantra. Translated by Martin J. Boord and Losang NorbuTsonawa. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives,159 pages.Lodoe, Yangchen Gawai. 1995. Paths andGrounds of Guhyasamaja According to Arya Nagarjuna. Translated by TenzinDorjee and Jeremy Russell. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives,164pages.Mullin, Glenn H. 1997. Readings on theSix Yogas of Naropa. First ed. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion,175 pages.Dalai Lama II 1985. The Two Yogic Stagesof the Yamantaka Tantra (rDo-rje 'jigs byed rim gnyis grub tshul smon lam).In Selected Works of the Dalai Lama II, edited by G. Mullin. Ithaca,New York: Snow Lion,19 19.Khapa, Tsong. 1982. The Book of Three Faiths.In Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra, edited by C. A. Muses.York Beach, Maine: Weiser Publications,180 180. Literature of the New Kadampa SchoolGyatso, Geshe Kelsang. 1982. Clear Lightof Bliss. London: Wisdom Publications,254 pages.Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang. 1991. Completion Stage.In Guide to Dakini Land. London: Tharpa Publications,22 22.Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang. 1997. Essence ofVajrayana. First ed. London: Tharpa Publications,513 pages. Return to Table of ContentsTaoist Literature (very incomplete)Nan, Huai-Chin. 1991. Tao and Longevity.Translated by Wen Kuan Chu. York Beach, Maine: Weiser,145 pages.Robinet, Isabelle. 1993. Taoist Meditation.Translated by Julian F. Pas and NormanJ. Giradot. Edited by D. L. Hall and R. T. Ames, SUNY Series in ChinesePhilosophy and Culture. Albany, NY: SUNY,285 pages.Yu, Lu K'uan. 1972. The Secrets of ChineseMeditation. First American ed. York Beach, Maine: Weiser,240 pages.Yu, Lu K'uan. 1973. Taoist Yoga. FirstAmerican ed. York Beach, Maine: Weiser,206 pages. Return to Table of ContentsContemporary ExperientalLiterature of these TraditionsGopi Krishna Krishna, Gopi. 1970. Kundalini - The EvolutionaryEnergy in Man. Second ed. Boulder, Colorado: Shambala Publications,252pages.Krishna, Gopi. 1972. The Biological Basisof Religion and Genius. Edited by R. N. Anshen. First ed, ReligiousPerspectives. New York: Harper and Row,119 pages.Krishna, Gopi. 1974. Higher Consciousness- The Evolutionary Thrust of Kundalini. First ed. New York: The JulianPress,198 pages.Krishna, Gopi. 1975. The Awakening ofKundalini. First ed. New York: E. P. Dutton,129 pages.Krishna, Gopi. 1976. The Riddle of Consciousness.First ed. New York: Kundalini Research Foundation,156 pages.Krishna, Gopi. 1993. Living With Kundalini.First ed. Boston: Shambhala,401 pages.Krishna, Gopi. 1994. The Evolution ofHigher Consciousness. First ed. New Delhi: UBS Publishers DistributorsLtd.,196 pages. Return to Table of ContentsContemporary Western Works (just started) Sannella, Lee. 1987. The Kundalini Experience.Lower Lake, CA: Integral,168 pages.White, John, ed. 1990. Kundalini: Evolutionand Enlightenment. Second ed. New York, New York: Paragon House,482pages. Scientific References This is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to all scientific research onyoga. These are the only references that I have found that deal explicitlywith kundalini or gTummo. 2ff7e9595c

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